Paraeducator - LSD, LSVI id-3840
Supplemental Information
Louisiana is a Model Employer for People with Disabilities.
The Louisiana Special Schools are experiencing a critical shortage of certified teachers, school counselors, interpreters and educators of the Deaf or hard of hearing.
This is a full time 9.0 months and 8.0 hours per day position.
Annual salary is paid over 26 pay periods.
Paraeducator Positions
Our paraeducators are paraprofessional teaching assistants working with children who have moderate to severe cognitive disabilities, autism, deafness, and blindness. A paraprofessional teaching assistant in this role may support rigorous instruction in an inclusive classroom with core instruction or career and technical instruction or a self-contained setting in the areas of transition, math, and literacy. Our ultimate goal is to prepare our scholars for transition to rigorous post-secondary outcomes, whatever that may be for individual students.
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Physical Activity Level
Some work is performed in physically comfortable positions with little or light physical effort, and some work requires moderate effort. Lifting thirty to forty pounds may be required and brief periods of heavy muscular exertion may be required. Interpreting/and transliterating require extended use of the upper body muscles and fine motor movements of the hands. Physical requirements are subject to reasonable accommodation in accordance with ADA standards.
Additionally, employees should be comfortable performing the following duties:
- Frequently moving equipment weighing up to 50 pounds across campus for various purposes
- Transferring students weighing an average of 120 pounds from wheelchairs to the floor, changing table, or other seating areas with the assistance of another staff member
- Pushing students weighing an average of 120 pounds in wheelchairs up and down ramps
The Louisiana Special Schools do not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in our programs and activities, and we provide equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. Inquiries regarding non-discrimination may be referred to Mary Gloston, Human Resources Director at mgloston .
La. R.S. 17:3884(D) requires that any school board wishing to hire a person who has been assessed or evaluated pursuant to the Children First Act, La. R.S. 17:3871, et seq., whether that person is already employed by that school system or not, shall request such person's assessment and evaluation results as part of the application process. Please be advised that, as part of the mandated process, your previous assessment and evaluation results will be requested. You have the opportunity to apply, review the information received, and provide any response or information you deem appropriate.
There is no guarantee that everyone who applies to this posting will be interviewed. Specific information about this job will be provided to you in the interview process, should you be selected.
No Civil Service test score is required in order to be considered for this vacancy. To apply for this vacancy, click on the "Apply" link above and complete an electronic application which can be used for this vacancy as well as future job opportunities. Applicants can check the status of their application at any time by selecting the 'Application Status' link after logging into their account.
Resumes will not be accepted in lieu of a completed application. You must include all relevant education and experience on your official State application.
Applicants qualifying based on college training or receipt of a baccalaureate degree will be required to submit an official college transcript to verify credentials claimed prior to appointment. Please make every effort to attach a copy of your transcript to your application. The transcripts can be added as an attachment to your online application or faxed to (225) 763-5523. The selected candidate will be required to submit original documentation upon hire.
Minimum Qualifications
- Must be at least 21 years of age
- High school diploma and passing score on ParaPro assessment.
- For LSD applicants, Sign Language Proficiency Level - Intermediate Plus, preferred (2 years to achieve).
Job Concepts
- Support each scholar during class time and outside of class time to reach his or her academic, social, and behavioral goals.
- Provide individualized instruction and small group instruction as needed throughout the day.
- Hold high expectations for each student; ensure each scholar is challenged to reach ambitious and attainable goals.
- Track progress for scholars on skills outlined in their IEPs and behavior plans. Work with the Teacher to ensure all data is accurately entered and in a timely fashion.
- Support scholars with toileting as needed; this could include helping scholars to button their pants, changing diapers, ensuring they make it to and from the bathroom safely and with washed hands.
- Foster positive rapport and relationships with students.
- Create an enthusiastic and optimistic learning environment.
- Communicate frequently with parents to support scholar success.
- Demonstrate flexibility and creatively embrace the ambiguities of building an organization focused on constant improvement.
- Serve on school committees as needed.
- Perform clerical duties, as required, relating to textbooks, instructional supplies, student reports and records, attendance reports, etc.
Examples of Work
See job concepts
Benefits for unclassified employees are determined by the individual hiring authority.
I understand that information on this application may be subject to investigation and verification and that any misrepresentation or material omission, including on my responses to supplemental questions, may cause my application to be rejected, my name to be removed from the eligible register, and/or subject me to disqualification from future job opportunities and/or dismissal from state service.