Departmental Analyst 12 - WMPC Performance Based Child Welfare Analyst - Limited Term - Kent County id-3914
Job Description
The MDHHS mission is to provide opportunities, services, and programs that promote a healthy, safe, and stable environment for residents to be self-sufficient. We are committed to ensuring a diverse workforce and a work environment whereby all employees are treated with dignity, respect and fairness. For more information, please visit our MDHHS Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Plan (Download PDF reader).
Public Act 59 of 2013 convened a task force to assess feasibility of establishing performance based funding for all public and private agency foster care providers. A final report issued in 2014 asserted that a performance based funding model was feasible for successful implementation in a phased, integrated approach. The model includes a lead entity responsible for case management from removal to case closure; holds public and private foster care agencies accountable for the same outcomes; establishes an innovative funding model for participating counties; uses actuarial services to identify a rate setting methodology on an ongoing basis.
Position functions as the statewide senior analyst and resource for the child welfare performance based system development which includes the development of a performance based funding model. The analyst is responsible for working on all tasks related to development, implementation and maintenance of the performance based funding model.
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The analyst will be the point of contact for private agency foster care contractors and MDHHS POS monitoring staff in sites responsible for funding model implementation as well as the point of contact for the contracted vendors supporting the performance based models.
Ongoing development organization of system operations and evaluation; data collection, data tracking, and analysis; reporting procedures, arranging and delivering training to implementing counties, developing and revising templates, forms and procedural manuals, and drafting quarterly reports on implementation progress.
Travel to sites may occur at least monthly.
Position Description (Download PDF reader)
Job Specification (Download PDF reader)
To be considered for this position you must:
apply for this position online via NEOGOV; click on "Apply" in the job posting for instructions on submitting your electronic application. Hard copy applications are not accepted.
relevant experience and/or education referred to in supplemental questions must be documented in resume, transcript and/or application to allow for accurate screening.
attach a resume identifying specific experience and dates of employment. Dates of employment should include month and year and hours per week.
attach a cover letter.
if applicable, attach a copy of an official transcript(s). We accept scanned copies of official transcripts. We do not accept web-based, internet, or copies of unofficial transcripts. Official transcripts provide the name of the institution, confirmation that a degree was awarded and on what date, and the registrar's signature.
Failure to complete any of the above items may result in your application not being considered. See instructions for attaching files here: Instructions (Download PDF reader)
Required Education and Experience
Possession of a bachelor's degree in any major.
Three years of professional experience, including one year of experience equivalent to the experienced (P11) level in state service.
Additional Requirements and Information
This position is open to current MDHHS staff only.
This position is being filled as a limited term assignment with the potential to become permanent, but it's never guaranteed.
The physical location of this position is Kent County MDHHS 121 Martin Luther King Jr St Grand Rapids, MI 49507. Based on operational needs and within established limits, remote work and alternate or hybrid work schedule requests for this position may be considered.
Selected candidates who have been approved to work remotely or a hybrid schedule must complete that work within Michigan. Candidates should confirm work location and schedule at the time of interview.