Sheriff's Fleet and Facility Services Coordinator id-3906
The Napa Valley
Napa County is home to 140,000 residents who share a strong sense of community and a legacy of preserving and protecting our rich agricultural heritage.
Located in the heart of California's preeminent wine region, the Napa Valley is also part of the dynamic San Francisco Bay Metropolitan Area. With its sunny Mediterranean climate and proximity to the mountains and ocean, the Valley offers residents easy access to virtually unlimited shopping, dining, cultural and recreational opportunities.
The Napa Valley's strategic location, natural and cultural resources, history of responsible land use planning and attractive quality of life provide the ideal mix of small town living and big city amenities.
Napa County as an Employer
As an organization, the County is dedicated to improving the lives of our citizens and reflecting the best of the community's values: Respect, Accountability, Dedication, Integrity and Innovation.
The Position
Napa County is seeking for a Sheriff's Fleet and Facility Services Coordinator for the Sheriff's Office. The Sheriff's Office is a 24/7 organization with a facility staff of nearly 200 people. This position oversees the day-to-day facility maintenance, upkeep, and engineering as well as manages the fleet of vehicles for uniformed personnel, plain clothed personnel, specialty vehicles, and professional staff needs. The ideal candidate can work within a government organization while being flexible and supportive to the department's needs.
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Data Entry, Remote, $40/hr, Night Shift, No Degree
Evening Virtual Assistant, Remote, $45/hr, No Experience
Weekend Customer Support, $42/hr, Remote, College Student
Remote Data Entry, $50/hr, No Experience, Evening/Night Job
Remote Live Chat, $40/hr, Part-Time, No Degree Required
Virtual Assistant, $42/hr, Remote, Weekend, Entry Level
Remote Phone Support, $45/hr, Evening, No Experience Required
Data Entry, No Experience, $50/hr, Remote, College Student
Remote Moderator, $40/hr, Weekend, No Degree, Part-Time
Live Chat Support, Remote, $42/hr, Night Shift, College Student
Phone Job, $50/hr, Remote, No Degree, Part-Time, Weekend
Data Entry, $45/hr, Remote, Evening, No Experience Required
Virtual Assistant, No Experience, $42/hr, Remote, Part-Time
Remote Customer Support, $50/hr, Night Shift, No Degree
Remote Data Entry, $40/hr, College Student Friendly, Part-Time
Live Chat Support, $42/hr, Weekend, Remote, No Degree
Virtual Assistant, Remote, $45/hr, Evening, No Experience
Remote Phone Job, $50/hr, College Student, Night Shift
Remote Moderator, $42/hr, Weekend, No Experience Required
Data Entry, No Degree, $45/hr, Part-Time, Remote Job
Customer Support, $50/hr, Remote, Evening/Night Job, No Degree
Virtual Assistant, $42/hr, Remote, Weekend, No Degree
Remote Live Chat, $45/hr, College Student, No Experience
Remote Data Entry, $40/hr, Part-Time, No Degree Required
Phone Support, $50/hr, Weekend, Remote, No Experience
Virtual Assistant, $42/hr, Evening, Remote, No Degree
Remote Customer Support, $45/hr, No Experience, Part-Time
Data Entry, $50/hr, Night Job, No Degree, Remote
Remote Moderator, $40/hr, College Student Friendly, Part-Time
Virtual Assistant, Remote, $42/hr, Weekend, No Experience
Remote Phone Job, $45/hr, Part-Time, No Degree Required
Customer Support, $50/hr, Night Job, Remote, No Experience
Data Entry, Remote, $42/hr, Evening Job, No Degree
Live Chat Support, $45/hr, Weekend, Remote, College Student
Virtual Assistant, Remote, $50/hr, Part-Time, Night Shift
Data Entry, $40/hr, No Experience, Remote, Weekend Job
Remote Phone Job, $45/hr, No Degree, College Student Friendly
Customer Support, $42/hr, Remote, Evening, No Experience
Virtual Assistant, $50/hr, Weekend, No Degree, Remote
Remote Data Entry, $40/hr, Part-Time, College Student Job
Phone Support, Remote, $42/hr, Evening/Night Shift
Virtual Assistant, No Degree, $45/hr, Remote, Part-Time
Live Chat Support, $50/hr, Remote, No Experience Required
Remote Moderator, $42/hr, College Student, Weekend Job
Data Entry, $45/hr, Remote, Night Job, No Degree
Virtual Assistant, $50/hr, Remote, Part-Time, Evening Job
Remote Customer Support, $42/hr, Weekend, No Experience
Phone Job, $45/hr, Remote, Night Shift, No Degree
Remote Live Chat, $50/hr, College Student, No Experience
Data Entry, $40/hr, Part-Time, Remote, Weekend Job
Virtual Assistant, $42/hr, Remote, No Experience, Evening
Remote Phone Support, $45/hr, Night Job, College Student
Remote Moderator, $50/hr, No Degree, Weekend, Part-Time
Virtual Assistant, $40/hr, Remote, Night Shift, No Experience
Customer Support, $42/hr, Remote, Part-Time, No Degree
Remote Data Entry, $45/hr, Weekend Job, College Student
Phone Support, Remote, $50/hr, No Experience, Night Shift
Virtual Assistant, $42/hr, Evening, Remote, College Student
Live Chat Support, $45/hr, Part-Time, Remote, No Degree
Data Entry, $50/hr, Remote, Evening Job, College Student
Virtual Assistant, $40/hr, Weekend, Remote, No Experience
Remote Phone Job, $42/hr, Night Shift, College Student Friendly
Remote Customer Support, $45/hr, No Degree, Evening Job
Virtual Assistant, $50/hr, Part-Time, Remote, Weekend Job
Data Entry, $40/hr, Evening Job, No Experience, Remote
Remote Live Chat, $42/hr, Weekend, No Degree, Part-Time
Virtual Assistant, $45/hr, No Experience, Remote, Night Job
Phone Job, $50/hr, Remote, Part-Time, College Student
Remote Data Entry, $42/hr, Evening/Night Job, No Experience
Remote Moderator, $45/hr, No Degree, Weekend Job, Part-Time
Live Chat Support, $50/hr, Remote, Night Shift, No Degree
Virtual Assistant, $40/hr, Weekend, College Student, Remote
Remote Phone Job, $42/hr, Part-Time, No Experience Required
Remote Data Entry, $45/hr, No Degree, Weekend, Night Job
Virtual Assistant, $50/hr, Evening, Remote, College Student
Customer Support, $42/hr, Weekend Job, Remote, No Degree
Phone Support, $45/hr, Remote, No Experience, Evening Job
Data Entry, $50/hr, Night Shift, No Degree, Remote Job
The Sheriff's Office is currently recruiting for one full-time positions. The list established by this recruitment may be used to fill future full-time, part-time, limited term, and extra help vacancies up to one year.
Experience and EducationAny combination of education and experience that would likely provide the required knowledge, skills, and abilities is qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge, skills, and abilities would be:
Three (3) years of full time, journey level facility maintenance and repair experience, of which one year included scheduling and prioritizing servicing. Experience with scheduling of vehicles for service is highly desirable.
Education:Possession of a high school diploma or G.E.D. A two-year degree or additional vocational or technical school training in facility maintenance, repair, purchasing, and procurement is highly desirable.
License or Certificate*
Possession of a valid California driver's license. Out of state valid driver's license will be accepted during the application process.
*Any license, certification, or registration required for this position shall be maintained (i.e. active and in good standing) at all times during employment with Napa County. For continued employment with Napa County, you must maintain such license, certification, or registration to meet the minimum qualifications of this position.
Application Deadline
By 5:00 PM PDT, March 26, 2025
Application Screening and Supplemental Question Scoring
Tentatively scheduled for the week of March 31, 2025
Supplemental questions will be scored by subject matter experts. Only the most qualified applicants from the scoring of the supplemental questions will be invited for an Oral Panel Interview.
Oral Panel Interview
Tentatively scheduled the week of April 7, 2025
Establish Eligible List
Week of April 14, 2025
The most qualified candidates from the interview process will be placed on the eligibility list and may be considered to fill positions for up to one year.The Human Resources Department reserves the right to change the recruitment process at any time.
Example of Duties
To view the full job description, including example of duties, click here: Sheriff's Fleet and Facility Services Coordinator.
Napa County employees automatically become Disaster Service Workers. This means that when Napa County experience emergencies (earthquakes, wildfire, power outage, etc.) you may be asked to pivot from your regular duties to provide critical services to those affected by the emergency (Cal. Gov. Code § 3101.)
ADA AccommodationApplicants requiring accommodation during the application and/or selection process pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities (ADA) Act should contact County of Napa Human Resources at (707) 253-4303.
Napa County is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Public Service Supervisors
Instructions for Supplemental Application Questions. The following questions comprise one of the steps in the selection process for this position and are intended to assist you in presenting your qualifications. Only the information you provide in your answers to these questions will be evaluated and scored to determine the best qualified candidates to continue in the selection process for this position. Please be complete and specific in answering the questions as your score will be based on this information. Applications submitted without responses to the supplemental questions will not be evaluated. Although your experience and education should relate back to your application, your application and or resume will not be reviewed when scoring the supplemental questions. Therefore, please be as detailed as possible in your responses to the supplemental questions. I have read and understand the instructions presented above.